Property and Casualty

Rudd and Wisdom provides services to property and casualty insurance companies, self-insured entities, and alternative arrangements include.

General Management Consulting

Involvement with management in development of business plans, operational philosophy and strategy and long term goals; preparation of Federal Income Tax estimates and assistance with tax strategies

Rate Setting

Analysis of experience, projection of trends, strategic planning, and development of appropriate balance between rate equity and rate adequacy

Reserve Determination

Analysis of case loss and loss adjustment expense reserve development, review of claim reporting patterns, analysis of trends, appraisal of impact of extraordinary changes, determination of IBNR and loss development reserve estimates


Assistance to management in development of reinsurance program, selection of retention levels, evaluation of reinsurance proposals and communication with reinsurers, intermediaries and underwriting managers

Communication with Regulatory Authorities

Assistance with rate filings, insurance department examinations, and regulatory issues


Valuation of insurance companies and blocks of insurance business based on projections of profitability of past, current and future business written

How can we be of service?  Let our experts know.

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